This section describes how to install the Sample Schemas manually.
Various dependencies have been established among the schemas. Therefore, when you create the schemas manually, you must create them in the following order: HR , OE , PM , IX , and SH .
Use this sequence to create the schemas:
Note: The OE schema requires the database to be enabled for spatial data. You can accomplish this during installation or afterward using the Database Configuration Assistant. |
Note: The PM schema requires the database to be enabled for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and interMedia. You can accomplish this during installation or afterward using the Database Configuration Assistant. |
All scripts necessary to create this schema reside in $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/human_resources .
You need to call only one script, hr_main.sql , to create all objects and load the data. Running hr_main.sql accomplishes the following tasks:
For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, please refer to Table 4-1.
A pair of optional scripts, hr_dn_c.sql and hr_dn_d.sql , is provided as a schema extension. To prepare the Human Resources schema for use with the Directory capabilities of Oracle Internet Directory, run the hr_dn_c.sql create script. If you want to return to the initial setup of the HR schema, use the script hr_dn_d.sql to reverse the effects of hr_dn_c.sql and remove the column added by this extension.
The file used to drop the HR schema is hr_drop.sql .
All scripts necessary to create this schema reside in $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/order_entry .
You need to call only one script, oe_main.sql , to create all objects and load the data. Running oe_main.sql accomplishes the following tasks:
For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, please refer to Table 4-2.
The files used to drop the OE schema and OC subschema are oe_drop.sql and oc_drop.sql .
All files necessary to create this schema reside in $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/product_media .
You need to call only one script, pm_main.sql , to create all objects and load the data. Running pm_main.sql accomplishes the following tasks:
For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, please refer to Table 4-3.
The file used to drop the PM schema is pm_drop.sql .
All files necessary to create this schema reside in $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/info_exchange .
You need to call only one script, ix_main.sql , to create all objects and load the data. Running ix_main.sql accomplishes the following tasks:
For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, please refer to Table 4-4.
The file used for dropping all queues in an orderly fashion is ix_drop.sql .
All files necessary to create this schema reside in $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/sales_history .
You need to call only one script, sh_main.sql , to create all objects and load the data. Running sh_main.sql accomplishes the following tasks:
For a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, please refer to Table 4-5.
A pair of optional scripts, sh_olp_c.sql and sh_olp_d.sql , is provided as a schema extension. To prepare the Sales History schema for use with the advanced analytic capabilities of OLAP Services, run the sh_olp_c.sql create script. If you want to return to the initial setup of the SH schema, use the script sh_olp_d.sql to erase the effects of sh_olp_c.sql and reinstate dimensions as they were before.
The file used to drop the SH schema is sh_drop.sql .