GenerationPMTO (Individual Delivery Format)

GenerationPMTO was formerly known as Parent Management Training - the Oregon Model (PMTO ® ). GenerationPMTO (Individual Delivery Format) is a parent training intervention that can be used in family contexts including two biological parents, single-parent, re-partnered, grandparent-led, reunification, adoptive parents, and other primary caregivers. This behavioral family systems intervention can be used as a preventative program and a treatment program. It can be delivered through individual family treatment in agencies or home-based and via telephone/video conference delivery, books, audiotapes and video recordings. GenerationPMTO interventions have been tailored for specific child/youth clinical problems, such as externalizing and internalizing problems, school problems, antisocial behavior, conduct problems, deviant peer association, theft, delinquency, substance abuse, and child neglect and abuse. For the group version of GenerationPMTO, please see Parenting Through Change (PTC; GenerationPMTO Group).

Program Goals

The goals of GenerationPMTO (Individual Delivery Format) include:

Logic Model

The program representative did not provide information about a Logic Model for GenerationPMTO (Individual Delivery Format).

Essential Components

The essential components of the GenerationPMTO (Individual Delivery Format) include: