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For Professor Barnett's scholarship from 2000-present, click here.

To view his works pre-2000, see below:

Articles: Constitutional Law

An Originalism for Nonoriginalists (PDF)
The Brendon Brown Lecture
45 Loyola Law Review (1999)

Was Slavery Unconstitutional Before the Thirteenth Amendment? Lysander Spooner's Theory of Interpretation (PDF)
Distinguished Speakers Series
28 Pacific Law Journal 977 (1997)

Necessary and Proper (PDF)
44 U.C.L.A. Law Review 745 (1997); and in
The Supreme Court and American Constitutionalism, Rowman & Littlefield, (1998)

The Relevance of Framers' Intent (PDF)
in "Symposium on Originalism"
19 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 403 (1996)

Under Fire: The New Consensus on the Second Amendment (coauthor) (PDF)
45 Emory Law Journal 1139 (1996)

Getting Normative: The Role of Natural Rights in Constitutional Adjudication (PDF)
12 Constitutional Commentary 93 (1995); and in
Natural Law, Liberalism, and Morality
(Robert P. George, ed.) Oxford University Clarendon Press (1996)

Guns, Militias and Oklahoma City (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on the Second Amendment"
62 Tennessee Law Review 433 (1995)

Reinventing the First Amendment
in Ethics and the University: Community, Diversity and Morality in the American Academy (M.N.S. Sellers, ed.) Berg Publishers 163, 1994

The Intersection of Natural Rights and Positive Constitutional Law (PDF)
in "Commentary on Frederick Shauer's Constitutional Positivism"
25 Connecticut Law Review 853 (1993)

Implementing the Ninth Amendment
Introduction to The Rights Retained by the People: the History and Meaning of the Ninth Amendment—Volume Two (Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Press, 1993)

A Ninth Amendment for Today’s Constitution (PDF)
26 Valparaiso Law Review 419 (1991); and in
The Bill of Rights in Modern America: After 200 Years
(D. Bodenhamer & J. Ely, eds) Indiana University Press, 1993

Unenumerated Constitutional Rights and the Rule of Law (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on Rules and the Rule of Law"
14 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 615 (1991)

Two Conceptions of the Ninth Amendment (PDF)
12 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 29 (1989)

Reconceiving the Ninth Amendment (PDF)
74 Cornell Law Review 1 (1988)

The Ninth Amendment and Constitutional Legitimacy (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on Interpreting the Ninth Amendment"
64 Chicago-Kent Law Review 37 (1988)

Are Enumerated Constitutional Rights The Only Rights We Have? The Case of Associational Freedom (PDF)
10 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 101 (1987)

Judicial Conservatism v. A Principled Judicial Activism (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on Law and Philosophy"
10 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 273 (1987)
Review of Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain
by Richard Epstein, 97 Ethics 669 (1987)

Articles: Contracts

Reviewing The Richness of Contract Law by Robert Hillman
97 Michigan Law Review 1413 (1999)

Free to Choose (PDF)
21 Seattle Law Review 721 (1998)

The Death of Reliance (PDF)
In "AALS Workshop Symposium: The Last Ten Years"
46 Journal of Legal Education 518 (1996)

. . . and Contractual Consent (PDF)
in "Symposium on Default Rules and Contractual Consent"3 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Review 421 (1994)

Conflicting Visions: A Critique of Ian Macneil's Relational Theory of Contract (PDF)
78 Virginia Law Review 1175 (1992)

The Sound of Silence: Default Rules and Contractual Consent (PDF)
78 Virginia Law Review 821 (1992)
Reprinted in The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory (2d Series)
(B. Bix, ed.) Ashgate Publishing, forthcoming 1999

Some Problems With Contract as Promise (PDF)
77 Cornell Law Review 1022 (1992)

Rational Bargaining Theory and Contract: Default Rules, Hypothetical Consent, the Duty to Disclose, and Fraud (PDF)
in "Symposium on Risks and Wrongs"
15 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 783 (1992)

The Function of Several Property and Freedom of Contract
in "Symposium on Economic Rights" 9 Social Philosophy and Policy 62 (1992)

Compensation and Rights in the Liberal Conception of Justice
in Compensatory Justice: Nomos XXXIII
(J. Chapman & J. Coleman, eds.) New York University Press, 1991

Squaring Undisclosed Agency Law With Contract Theory (PDF)
75 California Law Review 1969 (1987)

Beyond Reliance: Promissory Estoppel, Contract Formalities and Misrepresentation (PDF)
(with Mary Becker)
15 Hofstra Law Review 445 (1987)
Excerpted in Cases and Materials on Contracts 2d ed.
(R. Hamilton & A. Rau, eds.) West Publishing Co., 1992

Contract Remedies and Inalienable Rights
in "Symposium on Philosophy and Law"
4 Social Policy and Philosophy 179 (1986)
Reprinted in Philosophy and Law
(J. Coleman & E. Paul, eds.) Basil Blackwell, 1987
Revised and incorporated in:
Rights and Remedies in a Consent Theory of Contract
in Liability: New Essays in Legal Philosophy
(R.G. Frey & C. Morris, eds.) Cambridge University Press, 1991

A Consent Theory of Contract (PDF)
86 Columbia Law Review 269 (1986)
Reprinted in The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory
(L. Alexander ed.) Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1991
Excerpted in Studies in Contract Law, 4th ed.
(E. Murphy & R. Speidel eds.) Foundation Press, 1991
Excerpted in A Contracts Anthology
(P. Linzer ed.) Anderson Publishing Co., 1989 & 1995
Revised and incorporated in:
Rights and Remedies in a Consent Theory of Contract
in Liability: New Essays in Legal Philosophy
(R.G. Frey & C. Morris, eds.) Cambridge University Press, 1991
Excerpted in Contract Law
(S. Wheeler & J. Shaw) Oxford University Press, 1994.

Contract Scholarship and The Reemergence of Legal Philosophy (PDF)
Reviewing Contracts by E. Allan Farnsworth
97 Harvard Law Review 1223 (1984)
Excerpted in A Contracts Anthology
(P. Linzer ed.) Anderson Publishing Co., 1989

Articles: Criminal Justice

Getting Even: Restitution, Preventive Detention, and the Crime-Tort Distinction (PDF)
in "Symposium on the Crime-Tort Distinction"
76 Boston University Law Review 157 (1996)

Bad Trip: Drug Prohibition and The Weakness of Public Policy (PDF)
Reviewing America's Longest War by Stephen Duke & Albert Gross
103 Yale Law Journal 2593 (1994)

Curing the Drug Law Addiction: The Hidden Side-Effects of Legal Prohibition
in Dealing With Drugs (R. Hamowy, ed.) Lexington Books, 1987
Reprinted in Addictions: Opposing Views
(Jennifer A. Hurley, ed.) Greenhaven Press (2000)
Reprinted in Drugs: Should We Legalize, Decriminalize, or Deregulate?
(Jeffrey A. Schaler, ed.) Prometheus Books (1998)

Resolving the Dilemma of the Exclusionary Rule: An Application of Restitutive Principles of Justice (PDF)
32 Emory Law Journal 937 (1983)

The Justice of Restitution (PDF)
25 American Journal of Jurisprudence 117 (1980) Reprinted in Moral Issues
(J. Narveson, ed.) Oxford University Press, 1983

Restitution: A New Paradigm of Criminal Justice
87 Ethics 279 (1977) Reprinted in What's Wrong? an Introduction to Applied Ethics With Readings
(David Boonin & Graham Oddie) Oxford University Press, 2004
Reprinted in Law and Philosophy: an Introduction With Readings
(Thomas W. Simon, ed) McGraw-Hill College Textbook Division, 2000
Reprinted in Analyzing Moral Issues
(Judith A. Boss, ed) Mayfield Publishing Co., 1999
Reprinted in Philosophical Problems in the Law (2d ed.)
(David M. Adams, ed.) Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1996
Reprinted in The Philosophy of Law
(W. Sinnott-Armstrong & F. Schauer, eds.) Harcourt Brace & Co., 1996
Reprinted in The Philosophy of Law, 5th ed.
(J. Feinberg & H. Gross, eds.) Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1995
Reprinted in The Nature and Sources of Law
(P. Smith, ed.) Oxford University Press, 1993
Reprinted in Punishment and Rehabilitation (2d ed.)
(J. Murphy, ed.) Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1985
Reprinted in Readings in the Philosophy of Law
(J. Arthur & W. Shaw, eds.) Prentice-Hall, 1984
Reprinted in Perspectives on Crime Victims
(B. Galaway & J. Hudson, eds.) C.V. Mosby Co., 1981

Assessing the Criminal: Restitution, Retribution and the Legal Process
(coauthor with John Hagel III) in Assessing the Criminal: Restitution, Retribution and the Legal Process, (R. Barnett & J. Hagel III, eds.) Ballinger Publishing Co., 1977

Articles: Cyberlaw

Reds in Suits
Review of The Future of Ideas: the Fate of the Commons in a Connected World (PDF)
by Lawrence Lessig, Regulation, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Fall 2002), p. 64

Articles: Jurisprudence and Legal Theory

The Structure Still Stands: A Reply to Narveson, Winston, & Tushnet
in "Books in Review—Randy Barnett's The Structure of Liberty"
8 The Good Society 56 (No 2. 1998)

A Law Professor's Guide to Natural Law and Natural Rights (PDF)
20 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 655 (1997)

Coping With Partiality: Justice, The Rule of Law, and the Role of Lawyers (PDF)
Distinguished Lecture
3 Roger Williams Law Review 1 (1997)

The Power of Presumptions (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on Presumptions and Burdens of Proof"
17 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 613 (1994)

The Virtues of Redundancy in Legal Thought
in "Symposium on the Practical Applications of Jurisprudential Thought"
38 Cleveland-State Law Review 153 (1990)

The Internal and External Analysis of Concepts (PDF)
Comment on Peter Benson's, "Abstract Right and the Possibility of a Nondistributive Conception of Contract: Hegel and Contemporary Contract Theory"
11 Cardozo Law Review 525 (1990)

Post-Chicago Law and Economics (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on Post-Chicago Law and Economics"
65 Chicago-Kent Law Review 3 (1989)

Of Chickens and Eggs—The Compatibility of Moral Rights and Consequentialist Analyses (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on the Compatability of Moral Rights and Consequentialism"
12 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 611 (1989)

Can Justice and the Rule of Law Be Reconciled? (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on Law and Philosophy"
11 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 597 (1988)

Four Senses of the Public Law - Private Law Distinction (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on the Limits of Public Law"
9 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 267 (1986)

Why We Need Legal Philosophy (PDF)
Foreword to the "Symposium on Law and Philosophy"
8 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 1 (1985)

Pursuing Justice in a Free Society: Part Two—Crime Prevention and the Legal Order
Criminal Justice Ethics, Winter/Spring 1986, at 30.

Pursuing Justice in a Free Society: Part One—Power vs. Liberty
Criminal Justice Ethics, Summer/Fall 1985, at 50.

Public Decisions and Private Rights
Reviewing The Hardest Drug by John Kaplan
Criminal Justice Ethics, Summer/Fall, 1984, at 50

Articles: Legal Education

Beyond the Moot Law Review: A Short Story With a Happy Ending (PDF)
in "Symposium on Law Review Editing"
70 Chicago-Kent Law Review 123 (1994)