Attacking & Enforcing Prenup & Postnup Agreements

Attacking & Enforcing Prenup & Postnup Agreements

prenuptial agreement

Colorado has long upheld prenup and postnup agreements, so a body of case law has developed over several decades on the enforceability of prenups, including adopting the Uniform Premarital Agreements Act in 1986, and finally the current law, the Uniform Premarital & Marital Agreements Act, which became effective in Colorado on July 1, 2014.

The marital agreements act sets out the requirements to enter into premarital agreements (the legal term for a prenup) and marital agreements (the legal term for a post nup), and is the starting point both for purposes of drafting agreements, or for attacking prenuptial or postnuptial agreements in court.

Prior to entering into a prenup or postnup, the parties must make reasonable financial disclosures to each other, and the agreement must be signed. They can address the division of property and alimony (to some degree, as explained below), but cannot determine parenting, or adversely affect children's right to child support.

Best Defense for Prenups & Postnups

Three quick tips to avoid challenges to a prenup or postnup, or to successfully defend your agreement if it is attacked:

  1. Follow the Rules. A good family law attorney will know what she is doing, and the easiest way to make sure your marital or premarital agreement is enforceable is to follow the rules for proper disclosures, permissible subject matter in the agreement, and that your fiancé has a meaningful opportunity to confer with counsel.
  2. Well-Written Agreement. There's nothing worse than paying money and ending up with a poorly-drafted prenuptial or postnuptial agreement which is ambiguous, contradictory, or does not accomplish what you are trying to do. For this reason, avoid cookie-cutter, fill-in-the-blank prenups - after all, if you have a large asset portfolio you are trying to protect, it's worth the extra money to make sure you retain a good attorney who prepares a comprehensive agreement customized for your circumstances. At Graham.Law, we see more litigation due to poorly-drafted agreements than any other cause.
  3. Obey the Agreement. The best-written agreement in the world won't protect you if you are cavalier about following it during marriage. Don't treat joint and separate accounts interchangeable, use marital funds impermissibly on separate liabilities, and make sure you keep a paper trail proving the source of funds for any assets you acquire during marriage.

Prenup vs Postnup Agreement

Since both prenups and postnups have the same requirements, they are covered by the same statute, with the real difference between them being the timing:

There are Two Marital Agreements Acts - Which One Applies?

Both of the uniform marital agreements acts share a lot of common features, so pre-nup or post-nup agreements from any time in the modern era in Colorado or the other states which have adopted one of the uniform acts will be largely the same. But before you know how to attack or defend a marital agreement, you have to know which act's requirements apply to it.